Southern Ladies Quilt Guild
Jan. 7, 2013
The meeting was held at Simply Southern Quilt Shop. As this was the first meeting, time was spent electing officers, establishing our goals, etc.
Attendance: Linda Abell, Karen Boyd, Cathy Cantwell, Kim Condra, Nori Conley, Grace Croft, Kitty Engel, Barbara Gaynor, Cheryl Hackett, Sue Hix, Nancy Hughes, Rose Johnson, Kathy Kuss, Wanda Martin, Cindy Pike, Jody Sliger, Carolyn Smith, Brenda Templeton, Elaine Thomason
~ To learn new things, which may include hiring teachers.
~ To meet and sew
~ At least once a quarter, we will bring our machines, scraps of fabric and make items for various charity organizations
~ To elect the following officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary
~ To establish bylaws
~ To complete necessary paperwork for registration with the TVQA
~ Establish the dues structure
~ What we would like to see done: service to the community and charitable donations to the Upper Cumberland Area
Some organizations for consideration include: Humane Society, Crisis Center, Happy Haven, Women's Shelter in Cookeville, Pregnancy Crisis Centers in Crossville and Cookeville, Bread of Life, Women's Cancer Facilty
Elections were held and the following persons were voted into office:
President: Brenda Templeton
V. President: Kim Condra
Treasurer: Linda Abell
Secretary: Carolyn Smith
Term of office was determined to be one year
Cheryl Hackett was voted to organize and schedule demonstrations
Carolyn Smith will take the minutes, type them and submit to Jody Sliger who graciously offered to send out the newsletter.
Guild will establish a mission statement: Action item: Jody offered to compose a sample one and submit for review at the next meeting.
Guild will need to establish a bank account: Action Item: Linda will locate a bank that will handle our banking for free.
It was believed that TVQA has a tax exempt number that can be issued to us. Action Item: Cheryl stated she would do the necessary paperwork to establish the quilt with the TVQA and also will check on the tax exempt number.
Officers will compose bylaws and have them ready for the next meeting to review. Bylaws are to include: parties held, birthdays, etc.
Guild meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month, starting at 10 a.m. Meetings will be held at the Simply Southern Quilt Shop. This information is to be included in the bylaws as well as a statement that indicate the meetings are not a place to promote people's businesses and they are not being held at Simply Southern Quilt Shop to promote the shop.
President will be responsible for outside information such as retreats, etc.
President's role is to control the meeting.
It was decided the build would hold a bazaar at Christmas and possibly in the Spring. All items will be handmade with the proceeds going back into the guild.
When conducting a demonstration, the instructor will provide a supply list for the project to the members.
Kathy Kuss asked for any scraps of fabric and batting members may have, as she can utilize them to make beds for dogs at the animal shelter.
Next meeting will be held on February 4, 2013. Everyone is to bring one yard of fabric of their choice. It can be one yard of the same or two half yards, as long as it is a total of one yard.